Marčana property owners web site
Submited: 22.12.2008 ob 12:56:03
Dear visitors!

We wish you a Marry Christmas
and a happy new year and lots of joy in the year 2009,
to bring peace, happines, health and understanding to your home.

Submited: 04.06.2007 ob 22:10:56
Beatifull hous

Submited: 31.05.2007 ob 13:47:32
We were in Kavran yesterday once again. The sun was shining; warm and gently. On the left side the excavators were covering up a giant cave of waste material. Green bushes were all around us while driving downhill on unmaintained road.

Sadly, amlost all the parcels are abandoned or destroyed. There are few friendly houses still left. No more happy faces, no more cars stroping by just to say hi…where are all those people? Outside a beautifully maintained house with a magnificant garden one lady was smoking a cigarette. Suspiciously she kept looking at every arriving guest…who is he? The inspector? The demolition man? What does he want from me?

» I am not giving up my house. It took a lot of hard work from me and my husband…it is a place where we ought to spend our retirement. See, my husband just retired and thought he will be able to spend some quality time here with our grandchildren«. And what now? The husband speaks: » We were all fooled. All this years they kept telling us we shall be able to legalize our facilities, keep on going, everythig shall work out in your benefit.« » Well, it didn't « , said the other neighbour. Few of them gathered at the beautiful house that is still standing there just waiting for the demolition to take place. What did they do to us? In the street nearby a young woman died of a heart-attack. Shocking moments she experienced from February on, especially the last demolition order were too much to handle. » Do not let that happen to me, dear God « , said the saddened neighbour.

We also heard rumors that unpatient real-estate brokers are waiting to buy-off our land and re-sell it to wealthy buyers from abroad. We are not giving up our land, there is no money on this world. » Too much hard work was put into our little house « , said grayheaded lady. Who could do this to us? Local hero, we think….he became hungry; first he was selling, now he is demolishing so he can sell again. But what goes around, comes around, no doubt.

We took a swim in sea since it was hot. The nice water cooled us down. We swimmed to the nearest bay and kept looking in the direction of real estate agency ABAKA and MAX. They are both selling our parcels which only need to be varyfied with PUP by the Ministry of internal affaires….promises again….

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